Reflecting over summer


I go back to university on Monday, which really marks the end of summer for me. So much has happened, I went to Paris, got engaged, made some mistakes, got hurt and took some time out. I did some personal work. Patched myself up, got a new job and finished some tattoos that were nagging me. I feel like I have made some positive changes and learned a lot about myself. I have big ambitions to chase and I feel more able to do that now, for some reason I genuinely feel older.
I am starting to ramble now so I will cut this post short. But it truly is amazing how much can change over a few short months. The mental summer is almost over and I think a fresh start to my final year is exactly what I need. Its like everything completely fell apart, and was literally the worst it could possibly be, and then it started to get better and then snowballed into what it is now. Stronger and better than before.

I feel very lucky for it to have come full circle, I know not everyone gets that chance.

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